The Passion Flower


While painting in my studio to the strains of Beethoven’s music from the “Immortal Beloved”, I was suddenly struck by the power of the music as well as the subject matter which was this beautiful flower called the Passion Flower. Suddenly, I experienced the synergy of the erotic, the beautiful and the cosmic. Combining these three sources is the basis of the state of grace. I felt like a momentary midwife to this energy and was in a state of awe and appreciation to have experienced this synergy firsthand.

The message: Surrendering to one’s inner passions gives one the opportunity to acquire the state of grace. It is the process of putting passion into a form that is the pathway to this state.

The Spirit Dancer


This painting was a spontaneous response to having issues of money arrive in my consciousness while I was in my studio just fooling around one day. The painting initially started with the spherical image and the dollar signs.  Later in the evening this little creature arrived. Part of my process is erasing images out of a background color and revealing images I do not expect.  Upon doing some research I found that this image was related to Native American mythology and was known as the  “Spirit Dancer”. I then realized that this was the energy framework that would bring abundance to me.  The coyote was also part of the trickster, a good omen for doing business.

The message: The flow of authentic energy, represented by money in our culture, is most powerful when linked with Spirit!

The Shamanka and Her Raven (Dialogica)


This painting honors the role of the Divine Feminine in healing the planet.  The Shamanka is the Feminine Wounded Healer and she can travel between the worlds, gathering information from the healing forces of the Invisible realm.  The raven is one such messenger informing us about the importance of the soul and its purpose within each of us. The tipi represents the respect that is shown by the Native American culture for all of life in all its forms.

The message:  The immediate and unequivocal activation of the feminine healing energies is an absolute necessity for the healing of our planet. We are each responsible for manifesting, from our soul, some hidden, but important, part of planetary and individual evolution o consciousness. We, who live on this continent, are bound by a sacred covenant to help this process for the entire plant.